Le 10 août 1912, elle épouse Leonard et devient Virginia Woolf.
Adeline, Virginia Stephen was born on 1882, january, the 25th.
On august, 1912, the 10th, she married Leonard and became Virginia Woolf.

Ce qui compte, c'est se libérer soi-même, découvrir ses propres dimensions, refuser les entraves."
"Les livres, voilà dans l'ensemble ce que j'aime par-dessus tout."
"I don't want to become famous.I want to go forward, to change, to open my mind and my eyes, to refused to be labeled and stereotyped.
What matters is to make myself free, to discover my own dimensions, to refuse the clogs."
"Books, that is what I love the most."
5 commentaires:
I love books too.
I think she was too sensitive.
That's true.But that sensibiliy made her write wonderful things ..
I love books. I have heard of her but don't really know much about her. I'll google!
Bonjour Malyss,
Je n'ai pas lu "La promenade au phare", dont tu as parlé récemment, mais j'avais lu il y a longtemps maintenant, "Orlando". Et comme toi, j'aime lire et j'aime aussi les livres!
Bonne journée et grosses bises
I know the name but never read anything by her. Maybe I should look her up. . .
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