Les femmes des alentours venaient y laver leur linge, ou celui dont elles étaient chargées par leur métier de lavandière, comme on dit par ici..
A "lavoir" (I'm not sure that "laundry" is the right name for it), it's today a sweet place in the shadow where the pidgeons like to come and sing.
But not so long ago, it was a place where women came to work.
They came here to wash their own clothes and linen or the ones they had to wash because it was their job.Those women were called "lavandières".
When you arrived at this place, you were carrying a very big basket full of dirty things, you were also carrying ashes, soap, and a piece of wood used to wash the linen;
Then, you had to suffer in your legs, because you were kneeling on the stone, your back was broken, your finger hurt you because of the so cold water.When you had finished, you had to bring your very heavy basket filled with wet clothes to another place to let it dry, in a meadow or on the beach...
It was a feminine place, a point of work and of encounter, were women could give and take news; It was also a place for friendship and or for hate..

C'était un endroit vivant, dur, chaleureux, vital à la communauté..
C'est aujourd'hui un bassin où viennent s'ébattre les oiseaux en quête de fraîcheur.
Mais si ces murs pouvaient parler, qui sait quels secrets ils oseraient nous révéler.....
It was a living place, both hard and welcoming, essential for the community.
Today, it's a bathroom for lovely birds;
But if those stones could talk, who knows what secrets they would tell us....
4 commentaires:
J'ai habité quelques temps en bretagne, c'était dans les années 90. Et j'avais une voisine, d'un âge certain, qui ne lavait son linge que dans le lavoir publique... C'était hallucinant! Ton reportage me rappelle cette dame que je voyais partir tous les matins, courbée avec son petit seau à la main...
Je n'ai toujours pas de poème sur ma ville et la neige est en train de fondre !!!
Grosses bises, Kenza
Interesting photos and story,Malyss.
In Japan, women washed clothes at well side with washboard.
Interesting post. I can remember when I was a kid and we used the old rub-board at a spring. Then we got a wringer washer.
. . . and I bet the women sat on the edges (benches) and did their chores! If I were there, I would hang my feet over while sitting on the bench and feel the cool water on my legs on a hot summer day! Ü
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