Durant toute cette période, un principe est supposé s'appliquer, celui de l'inversion.
As I already said it, in two weeks Carnaval will begin, and will last until the beginning of march.
During those days, life is supposed to be under the principle of inversion.
Ce principe remonte aux lointaines origines du carnaval, à l'époque romaine.
This principle comes from the roots of carnaval, during the roman period.
Des hommes , recouverts de peaux de bêtes pour qu'on ne les reconnaisse pas, circulaient dans la rue, frappant les passants, provoquant le désordre et le chaos.
In those ancient times, Carnaval meant the beginnig of a new year, of a new era.
Men, covered with animal skins so that noone could recognize them, walked through the streets, slaping everyone they meet, provoking disorder and chaos.
Chaos meant the entrance of the wild world into the civilization, and also disorder in a well ruled life.Time, that passes in a normal way all the year long, goes backward during a few days, and then goes back to normality for a new era.
From there comes the principle of the inversion: during this time of madness, slaves became masters ans masters served the slaves; men became women, and women became men; young people controled and punished the old ones, and the old people did silly things...
Inversion concerned the society, and also its values, its rules, its hierarchy.
What was bad became good, and what was ugly became beautyful.
According to this principle, the monster above is an exemple of pure beauty...Very ugly, therefore very beautyful!
11 commentaires:
Et bien, si tu ne m'avais pas expliqué le principe de l'inversion, j'aurai tous simplement trouvé ce monstre très laid!!!
Je suis en train te t'écrire et je vois arriver un commentaire signé Malyss!!!! Ca me fais plaisir de voir que nous sommes finalement si proches...
Grosses bises et je vais de ce pas lire ton commentaire!
(une raison de plus pour laquelle je n'aime pas carnaval;...ça fait de moi un shtroumpf râleur, en plus!)
Original, ce chassé-croisé!
Sauf que moi, j'ai l'avantage sur toi de savoir à quel moment tu publie un nouveau message... je savais que tu venais juste de publier!
Grosses bises
Tu as deux possibilités: soit en devenant "abonné fidèle", comme j'ai fait pour ton blog et d'autres que j'aime!
Soit en allant dans les "gadgets de bloger" et tu installes "la liste des blogs", c'est dans les nouveautés!
Tu pourras remarquer chez moi, sur ma liste des blogs amis, il y a une heure d'inscrite, c'est l'heure de publication!!! Tu peux même cocher la case pour visualiser la photo du blog! Je n'ai pas trouvé utile de le faire!!!
J'espère que je suis claire...
Bises et @+
Do they make chaos to restart?
yes, that's a good way to sum it up: to make chaos to start again.A kind of re-volution,in the first meaning of that word.
About your question, we call persimmon "kaki" in Japan.
and I know that it is called "kaki" too, in Italy.
I hope you check my article of "kaki" from link below.
perssimon on the tree
That church is ortodox church.
Very interesting! I like the way you explained it.
Un carnaval des "fous" en quelque sorte... Un brin de folie ne nuit pas! Merci pour toutes ces explications. Et que la Fête commence!!!!!!!!!! Avec comme toile de fond ce ciel si bleu...
Hi Malyss, it was nice to meet you in Tokyo (virtually that is). Thanks for your lovely comment. It's always great to hear when certain pictures evoke good memories in people. That makes it very rewarding to make the site. Your blog looks pretty nice. I'm in a bit of a hurry now, but will take a more detailed look later. Kind regards.
We seem to have missed quite a bit up here in the north!
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